domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2019

Which Luxman vintage is better?

Luxman began to rebuild a worldwide reputation as one of the leading Japanese audio brands. Luxman is an iconic brand in the history of High Fidelity, its excellent audio equipment such integrated stereo amplifiers has authentic monsters like the SQ-38FD, M-150, M-6000, L-31, SQ507X etc. in its golden age, the 70s and early 80s, which were based on circuits that linked tubes and transistors, The company was founded in 1925 by T. Hayakawa and K. Yoshikawa. Unfortunately, at the end of the last century, the brand failed to adapt to the emerging fashion of home theater and multi-channel audio. All the amplifiers that luxman made until the late 70's and early 80's are from fantastic to masterpieces from the fantastic L-30, to the fabulous also the L-100 with a real and natural sound.

Une publication partagée par Khalid hadebuis (@khalidhadebuis) le

The L-30 is very good, it moves the boxes with sufficient suffering despite its power, good scene and fantastic means, it has a sound that hooks the music flows in the room with an incredible naturalness and presence, controlled bass, but defined and present, Luxman L-31 has almost identical terminals.

The highly musical L81 integrated amplifier finesse and smooth rendering throughout the bandwidth. One of the most beautiful amps of his generation. This device manufactured in the late 70s is the sucessor of the L-80.


If you want it with radio, that is, a receiver, the Luxman R1040 and 1050, R-800 are very good, musical, pulling the valves, they are great, for their robust construction, reliability, dynamic more detailed and with a beautiful timbral.


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